IN MEMORIAM: The Devil And Daniel Johnston (link to Phawker)
"When I lived in Austin in the early 90s, Daniel Johnston hovered over the place like a ghost. He made his name there in the 80s but had...

Love you, Joe. Get well soon!
(photo by Glen Hansard borrowed from WFUV.org) Got word yesterday that Joe Henry has begun a different sort of journey. So I wanted to...

REVIEW: Being There: Margo Price at World Cafe Live (link to Phawker)
If you are inclined to have a peek, here is my Phawker review of Margo Price’s recent show at the World Café: Usually it’s music journos...

REVIEW: Joe Ely Full Circle: The Lubbock Tapes (link to Phawker)
Train Army: And, say, check out my debut on Phawker. I’ve never had a chance to write about Joe Ely or the Flatlanders and jumped at the...