WIRE FROM THE BUNKER: Meet David Allan Coe
Equally reviled and revered, the reputation of C&W bad boy David Allan Coe precedes the man by a country mile: ex-con, polygamist, cave dweller, prison philosopher, biker badass - in short, he's an outlaw's outlaw. From the tender age of nine until one year short of thirty, Coe was in and out of reformatories and then adult prison where he claimed to murder a fellow prisoner for propositioning him. Rolling Stone later refuted this as one of many tall tales associated with the Mysterious Rhinestone Cowboy as DAC would come to be called after finally slipping the criminal justice system in 1969 and arriving in Nashville where he parked his hearse outside the Ryman Auditorium and promptly landed a deal with Shelby Singleton's Plantation Label to record the Penitentiary Blues LP he penned during his tenure in the tank.
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